“The best part of Ev's canting for high holidays isn't the beautiful sound of Ev's voice, but the heartfelt joy that is apparent in the melodies. Hearing Ev has been the highlight of the service every year.”
-Seth Harris, Tirereth Israel President, 2021
Music has always been a portal to something deeper for Ev. Since first leading Adon O’lam as a young child, they have found a special home in Jewish music. Ev understands song as a way to move us to higher spiritual intensity, a way to connect us to our ancestors, and a way to be in community with each other. As a Sheliach Tzibur, Ev strives to daven with kavanah and ruach, bringing the kahal along in their own spiritual journey through the liturgy. Ev has been trained by Rabbi Ariana Katz and Daniel Neiden and is a current cantorial student at the Aleph Ordination Program, the Renewal Jewish Seminary. Ev is a member and Tefilah Teacher at Rodef Shalom, a Progressive Conservative Synoguge in Denver, Colorado, and a part-time Sheliach Tzibur at Nevei Kodesh, a Renewal Congregation in Boulder, Colorado.
“Working with Ev was indeed an honor and a pleasure. “
I am writing this letter on behalf of Ev Evnen who served as the High Holy Day Chazzan at Congregation Tifereth Israel in Lincoln, NE for five years. For four of those years, 2015-2019, I worked side by side with Ev on the bimah. During that time, I noticed that serving the congregation was not just a job for Ev. Ev approached their davening with passion and feeling. Ev’s voice lifted our congregation and their humble nature drew individuals to the synagogue.
Ev worked very hard learning our congregational tunes, ensuring that the phrasing used while davening matched the meaning. We spent hours together designing services that would be meaningful and spiritually uplifting. Working with Ev was indeed an honor and a pleasure. Any congregation fortunate enough to engage Ev as a Chazzan during the upcoming High Holy Days will indeed benefit from Ev’s presence.
With the utmost gratitude for being able to share these thoughts,
Nancy E Coren, Retired Spiritual Lay-Leader
Congregation Tifereth Israel